
Giving Thanks Friday

By Mindy
September 25, 2020
 This past couple of weeks I am thankful for: A soft breeze blowing through the windows and the distant hum of a tractor as the neighbor mows his field.     The spontaneous giggles of our two year
I am standing at the sink snapping and washing beans.  The rhythm of the activity feels good.  And I know the beans will taste good too.  Summer gardening is winding down and the

We rise - together

By Mindy
April 02, 2020
I am not telling you anything you don't already know when I state we are living in exceptional times. The fact that we are visiting our 2 year old granddaughter through their screened
About a year and a half ago I was in a car accident.  It was a holiday that my husband didn't have off from work and the sun was shining.  I had an
via pinterest This week I am thankful for:  A new season ushering us to rebirth and hope restored.      Raindrops, for without the rain there would be no blooms.                An afternoon with

Sometimes less IS more

By Mindy
March 09, 2017
Well hello friends...I have missed you!  I had no plans to be away for so long but sometimes life happens and you just have to go with it.   After I left you last we celebrated Thanksgiving