Giving Thanks Friday


This week I am thankful for:

A new season of gardening.  I separated the baby strawberries from their mammas, wrangled the raspberries and harvested the first of the rhubarb. 

All the new baby calves in the neighborning farm fields.  They are SO cute.  

Glorious spring sunshine in our neck of the woods!  It gave me a chance to catch up on some weeding and sneak in an hour or two of reading outdoors - my favorite.    

A lunch date with two special friends and my daughter (who tolerated all the three of us very politely).

Sweet kisses on the cheek from both my Grandma AND my Grandpa. 

What are you thankful for?

May your weekend be filled with many reasons to give thanks!



  1. I love the picture of the pansy's. That was my grandmothers name and they always make me think of her. Sweet memories are something I am thankful for.

  2. Thanks Nancy - they are some of my favorites. I LOVE that was your grandma's name! I had a special great grandma named Daisy : )

  3. Beautiful pansies, Mindy and a lovely post. Life is so full when we can appreciate the simple things in life, don't you think?
    I'm thankful for my nephew who made me laugh hysterically this week. When I asked him if he was looking forward to his first Communion next month he gave me a very emphatic NO! I was so surprised at this and asked why, as he has always had a very special relationship with God from a very young age. (he's 8 yrs old now). His answer was, "Aunty, I'm sure if God had a say in all of this, he wouldn't be forcing me to wear a suit to church!"
    Ha! Seems that his style sense is kicking in at a very young age

    1. I agree Robyn. And your nephew sounds so sweet - thanks for sharing his story.
