Giving Thanks Friday


This week I am thankful for:

The return of the Spanish lavender blooms and knowing the English lavender is not far behind.  I love lavender!    

The variety of personalities in my life ~ those that compliment me and those that challenge me.  Especially those that challenge me.        

Artists who sacrifice greatly for their art and the blessings their creations bring.      

Music to touch my spirit, lyrics to touch my heart and the combination to touch my soul.     

A husband who doesn't mind frozen pizza on a Friday night (even though he has worked a long, hard day) when I really don't want to cook.  Love that man.       

What are you thankful for?

May your weekend be filled with many reasons to give thanks!



  1. Oooh that photo is gorgeous!

    I'm thankful for my family, sunshine, a job, and my health!!

    Thanks for the reminder to be thankful!

    1. Hoping I can be thankful for the sunshine soon : )

  2. I am thankful to be back after enjoying a 4 day sunny long weekend.
    I'm also thankful to good friends that I can count on when needed. What a treasure.
