Starry, starry night

One last step in a typical bedtime routine,

a quick glance out the blinds

a last check on the surroundings we call home.

Unexpectedly, an audible gasp leaves my lips.

The black night is filled with hundreds of twinkling lights

and I am amazed.

I've seen them before, these flaming wonders,

taken them for granted even.

But tonight, this very night,

I am caught unaware.

And face to face I am

 with creation

and the One who creates.


Ps. 147:4 
He determines the numbers of stars and calls them each by name.

Note:  This first appeared on A Dandelion Diary March 3, 2013.  Due to a technical difficulty preventing a new post,  this one being re-posted today.  Photo credit here



  1. I wonder what He named our sun?

  2. What a beautiful and thought-provoking post, my friend.

    As always, it's a joy to visit you. And I must say that I LOVE the picture of you on the sidebar - you are so beautiful :) Hugs to you!

  3. Such a beautiful night sky ♥

  4. Beautiful picture Mindy, looks like the stars are winking at you they look so bright.

  5. I too am fascinated by the stars!

  6. I'm so glad this was reposted again because it's beautiful, Mindy. Just what I needed today. It's so easy to get lost in a starry night, isn't it? Thank you!

  7. I'm so glad this was reposted again because it's beautiful, Mindy. Just what I needed today. It's so easy to get lost in a starry night, isn't it? Thank you!
