Sometimes less IS more

Well hello friends...I have missed you!  I had no plans to be away for so long but sometimes life happens and you just have to go with it.  

After I left you last we celebrated Thanksgiving with family and fell headlong into crafting/selling on our new Etsy site.  There was a learning curve and what was more overwhelming work in the beginning has settled in to a nice pace and we are ready to move forward.  

Christmas season turned out not so fun when both Mr. Husband and I came down with the flu (the flat on your back, fever, chills, (nausea and vomiting added for me...), aches sickness that caused us to miss celebrations on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.  We were actually very sick for two weeks and unwell for a few weeks.  It sets you back but, in conjunction with the New Year, causes you to take stock of life once again.  

The internal bruising (from life situations beyond my control), that happened in the Fall, began to show the black and blue color and pain that ensues.  And that kind of bruising takes time to heal.  No more stuffing it away, no more covering with a bandage.  Time for  healing.  Time to let God move and me to step back. 

So step back is what I have done.  And truthfully, with the volatile election season, it was the perfect time in more ways than one.  I scaled back on Facebook and took almost the entire month away in February.  It was wonderful I must say.  I also have left this space blank as well.  I have missed it, missed you all, but it was necessary.  

It was a bit strange to step away from here when I had a new, beautiful (thank you Linda) space to work in and a couple of what could have been exciting opportunities to grow the space.  But sometimes more is not more.  For me, right now, less has been more.  A slower pace of life, a more real conversation with God, a time of healing.  

I feel so much more free, that is what happens when the pain recedes and love fills it up.  I feel so much more creative in so many areas.  DIY makeovers have happened again.  Cooking (that had fallen back into unhealthy habits) is more fun and healthful.  Words are once again dancing in my head.

In the midst of this time of stepping back my desktop computer began to fail and the search for something new began.  After lots of searching my Dad helped me find just the perfect fit for me and I am up and running with documents, pictures and more transferred and or stored away.  There is still more to learn but I have the basics down and it feels good.  

So...I hope to start visiting this space, as well as yours, more often.  I hope life for you all has been good whether you are in a season of less or more and that you are allowing God to walk you through it.  Wishing you abundant joy ,bountiful blessings and overflowing hope as the new season of Spring comes calling.  Happy March and happy day to you my friends!      




  1. Mindy, it is so good to see you!!!
    I have thought and thought about you, my dear.
    Sounds like you are doing exactly what the Lord would have of you, and that is, looking after YOU.
    You have certainly been missed, but I so understand the need of stepping away.
    I look forward to you and your beauty once again.

    Love and Hugs ♡

  2. Mindy, it is so good to see you!!!
    I have thought and thought about you, my dear.
    Sounds like you are doing exactly what the Lord would have of you, and that is, looking after YOU.
    You have certainly been missed, but I so understand the need of stepping away.
    I look forward to you and your beauty once again.

    Love and Hugs ♡

  3. Hi MINDY!!! I am SO proud of you for taking all that time away. You needed to take care of yourself, to rest and make new priorities. Sometimes we think we know the path, and then find out God another one in mind. I'm happy to hear that you feel better. That flu sounded nasty! The older we get, the worse it hits don't you think?
    Best of blessings on your Etsy site, and in writing again. I look forward to your always entertaining trips to Walmart, and your shining faith too. You were missed! Welcome back!

  4. I was so excited to see a new post in my email!! Welcome back!

  5. I have missed you, Mindy! You always share such uplifting and encouraging thoughts. It is a blessing to have you back! I look forward to your faith-filled insights on life!

  6. "A slower pace of life, a more real conversation with God, a time of healing. "

    I know just what you mean. Good to see you again, Mindy!

  7. Good to see you back Mindy. So sorry you and the hubs were sick. It seemed like many people were ill with that. Happy Spring to you.

  8. You've been missed. Looking forward to reading your words here in this space again.
